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Биография Chris

Chris Halliwell проживает в городе San Francisco, США. Родной город - San Francisco. Знак зодиака Водолей. Из открытых источников получены следующие сведения: информация о высшем и среднем образовании, карьере, родственниках.
Страна: США
Город: San Francisco
Место рождения: San Francisco
Возраст: нет данных
Дата рождения: 15 февраля
Знак зодиака: Водолей
Семейное положение: неизвестно


ИмяСтепень родстваДата рождения
Dean Winchester брат нет данных
Edward Cullen брат 15 февраля


After Clark combined the three artifacts hidden Kryptonian in different places of the planet, he learned that the world remained " Kryptonian repository of knowledge." Jor -El built this fortress that would teach Kal -El's Kryptonian and others, but Clark had to leave training, and return to Smallville, which would save the people from the Kryptonian invaders. He sent them to the Phantom Zone, but lost his way, disobeying Jor -El . Clark lived a human life, but was killed. When Jor- El in the guise of Lionel raised him, he said that the price for his resurrection, the life of a loved one. That man was Jonathan . Since then, Clark " captured " Darkness . Lana married Lex telling Clark that she knows his secret, and that in another case, Lionel " would have killed him ." As a student, Clark met with Brainiac - Kryptonian body, endowed with all the knowledge of Krypton . At that time, Clark learned that all these years watching him John Jones - an alien from Mars. Brainiac was trying to earn the trust of Clark that would release Zod from the Phantom Zone. In order to prevent this, Clarke had to kill Lex, but was unable to do so, and Zod, having descended into Lex's body, sent him to the Phantom Zone . He was able to get out, but released six phantoms . Five he was able to send back, but the sixth - Bizzaro, destroyed Lana, who had left after Smallville . Later, Clark learned that the Earth has been sent his cousin - Kara . Having found it, he told her that Kal- El, she was looking for, this is it. Later, Clark met with Oliver Quinn - a millionaire. In the more familiar Clark learned that Oliver - "Green Arrow", and also protects the city . Later, Oliver has created a team of superheroes. Clark, on the recommendation of Lois, joined the editorial board «Daily Planet» reporter, and defend the city . This was a good cover. After several years of absence, Lana back to Smallville, but for the most part not because of Clark, and to carry out his plan of getting super-powers, with the help of the costume, " Prometheus", developed by the Technology LuthorCorp. As it turned out, Lex deliberately did so to suit soaked kryptonite, so he " produced " Kryptonite bomb by putting Lana ultimatum : either Clark or the salvation of the city. Lana " shut off " the bomb, but just could not come close to Clark . That was the last time he saw her . After Jimmy filmed on camera, as Clark saves Lois, the residents of Metropolis called 'secret savior " - red- blue blur. In Clark's feelings begin to appear to Lois, and he talks to her on behalf of the spots, but after a battle with Doomsday, resulting in the death of Jimmy and Lois gone, Clark broke away from all friends and become trained Jor -El in the fortress. One day, Clark caught a train that crashed and saw Lois, he realized that he could not continue their education, while saying goodbye to her, but Clark arrives otherwise . He returns to work in the «Daily Planet». Having learned from Tess that Kandorians appeared on Earth from the sphere, Clark tries to help them, but Zod only wishes to return their abilities because of what happen to him Clark differences. Soon Clark meet with Carter Hall, Nelson and Courtney - the only living members of the " Justice Society of America." In the beginning, Clark and the rest of the team appear at odds with society, but when they are combined . While investigating the abduction of Kandorians, Clark finds a wounded Zod, and the " overflow " to him their blood, saves him, but later learns that he acquired the capacity and wants to take over the Earth . Clark decides to sacrifice himself by sending himself and Kandorians on the "New Krypton ", but dies and finds himself in a place between life and death. Jor -El tells Clark that he had warned him about such an outcome, but Clark still comes back to life, thinking that it did Jor -El. Clark still does not understand why it darkness, but Smolvilskoy reunion, there is reprogrammed Legion of superheroes from the future to the side of good, Brainiac, which shows Clark fateful moment in his past and his future. Clark realizes that he is living in the past, shielded from the friends, and begins to live differently. The last person who discovers the secret of Clark - Lois . Clark is concerned about the government adopted the law on the registration of heroes, Lex clone that has all the memories of the Lex and Darkness - Darkseid, who fell to Earth at the time when it was opened a portal to the "New Krypton ." But soon the VRA cancel and Clark took heart . After listening to advice Lois, " wear a mask ", he decided to do it, but differently. Mask - is Clark Kent, who wears glasses, and thus behaves normally

Место жительства


Среднее образование

Winfield Scott Elementary School США, San Francisco
Jefferson Elementary School США, Metropolis

Высшее образование

Alliant International University - San Francisco Campus, дата окончания: не указана
Факультет: Center for Undergraduate Education
Россия, Кемерово

Работа и карьера

2010 США, San Francisco

Социальные сети

Источник информации

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Дата рождения:
18 сентября 2002г.


США, San Francisco
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26 октября 1992г.


США, San Francisco
Дата рождения:
21 ноября


США, San Francisco
Дата рождения:
3 июля 2001г.

Однофамильцы Chris Halliwell


США, San Francisco
Дата рождения:
2 августа 1977г.


США, San Francisco
Дата рождения:
3 июля 1973г.


США, Los Angeles
Дата рождения:
7 июня 1973г.


США, San Francisco
Дата рождения:
3 июля 1973г.