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Биография Micheal

Родной город - Lagos Nigeria . Семейное положение Micheal: не женат. Из открытых источников получены следующие сведения: информация о среднем образовании, карьере.
Страна: нет данных
Город: нет данных
Место рождения: Lagos Nigeria
Возраст: нет данных
Дата рождения: нет данных
Знак зодиака: нет данных
Семейное положение: не состоит в браке, не женат


I am looking for the love of my life to share my thoughts sorrows and feelings with, i am Looking for a meaningful relationship in which I take at slow place with a woman that can secure my doubts and release my fears. a woman who can restore my faith in love once again just a woman i can cater to take care of Love forever someone i will give my all to, someone i can hold in my arms forever.what I am looking for is someone who will get to know me, who will love me forever and be there for me, who is willing to merge her soul with mine to result in what is called fate then later merge her heart with mine and that will be marriage.And then I get to live with her in her humble abode for ever and start a family with.I am single and I am looking for someone who understands love and know what love is.Someone who is not ready to play with my heart.Someone who will value my heart and life when i give him my heart.Because i am the type who gives his heart to the one i am in love with in a relationship.And this has been my believe that relationship is built on trust, honesty, faithfulness and love.Also passion, caring for one another, the ability to compromise and grow.That is what i call true love.And this include being there for each other through thick and think, in good times and in bad times.willing to share your last penny to save your partners life in a dying situation .True love, an emotion so strong that you would give up everything. To just feel it once, to know that you are part of something special

Среднее образование

Government College Нигерия, Lagos

Работа и карьера

self employed
2007  -  2012

Социальные сети

Источник информации

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Однофамильцы Micheal Omoyele


Нигерия, Lagos
Дата рождения:
23 сентября 1970г.


Нигерия, Kogi
Дата рождения:
22 июля 2001г.


Дата рождения:
9 марта 1974г.